Machinery and equipment for the food industry

Sample extractor

The SAMPLE EXTRACTOR FOR FALLING TUBES, mod. GPRC, is used to take a representative sample of the product, in powder or granular form, obtained during its transit in the gravity fall pipe. It has been designed and manufactured to repeatedly extract small significant quantities of product over time.

The GPRC sampler performs programmable timed sampling on the main product flow through the pipeline. All samples are then conveyed into the sample collector to form the final sample.

It consists of two main parts:

  • the fixed machine body, with one inlet and two outlets, one for the main flow and one for the sampled product.
  • The rotating part, by means of a pneumatic cylinder, cyclically diverts a small portion of product from the main flow, conveying it to the second outlet. Through a flexible pipe the product is sent to the collection element.

The command and control of the equipment, the sampling times, the quantity taken, and the tracking of the samples can be delegated to the customer’s supervision system or managed by a special control unit supplied in the general sample collection system.

The SAMPLE EXTRACTOR ON PNEUMATIC TRANSPORT, mod. GPRP, is used to take a representative sample of product, flour, or semolina, obtained during its transfer in a pneumatic transport under pressure.

It is therefore installed in a vertical section of the pneumatic conveyor where the product to be sampled passes through and small significant quantities of product are extracted repeatedly over time. 

Extraction takes place by means of the pneumatically controlled opening of an orifice inside the transport tube. The effect of the internal pressure of the transport tube releases a small amount of product mixed with air, which is then decanted through a flexible tube by a tiny cyclone equipped with a filtering sock. The product is then sent to the collection element.

The continuous series of these samples, controlled in terms of duration and repetition times, forms the representative sample. 

The command and control of the equipment, the sampling times, the quantity taken, and the tracking of the samples can be delegated to the customer’s supervision system or managed by a special control unit supplied with the general sampling system.

As with all machines manufactured by G&AS, the machine can be customised if required by functional and/or space requirements. If the plant in which our sampler will be inserted is controlled by an advanced supervision system, it is possible to interface it with the sampler for the remote and automatic management of sampling.
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