Machinery and equipment for the food industry

Pre-cleaner rotative separator

The GPTS PRE-CLEANER ROTATIVE SEPARATOR is a machine intended for pre-cleaning cereals. It is intended for high-capacity streams and quickly removes impurities larger than the processed product.

The machine consists of:

  • Large rotating, cylindrical separator cloak, supported on the one hand by a roller-oriented bearing, placed outside the machine, and on the other by a pair of rubber wheels. The mantle is rotated by a gear motor placed on the bearing side.
  • A pair of rotating brushes to ensure the cleanliness of the coat.

The incoming cereal, through an easily removable slide, is sent inside the sieving cylinder to the opposite side. From here, with the rotation of the mantle comes out of the punctured net and falls into the hopper of “PRODUCT OUTLET”. The foreign bodies, of larger size, remain inside the net and are dragged towards the scrap hopper.

The most suitable pre-cleaner model and the sifting net to use will be chosen depending on the capacity and type of product to be treated.

For particularly abrasive and dirty products or major flows, the pre-cleaning rotative separator can optionally be equipped, where necessary, with additional internal coatings in anti-wear material in order to preserve the functionality and durability of the pre-cleaner.

As with all G&AS construction machines, if required by functional and/or footprint requirements, the machine can be redesigned by varying its size and footprint
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