Machinery and equipment for the food industry

Intensive rubbing machine

The INTENSIVE RUBBING MACHINE is used in the grain cleaning sections, both hard and tender. It is used to detach and remove impurities that are attached to the outside of grains while also removing the peripheral cortical parts.

In the intensive rubbing machine, the product is taken from the entrance and sent to the rubbing chamber. In this chamber, a hexagonal inner rotor moves and intensely shuffles the cereal until it reaches the exit. A particular shutter at the exit manually adjusts the pressure and therefore the intensity of the rubbing needed inside the rubbing chamber.

The action of the rubbing between rotor and product, between product and product itself, between product and outer mantle, abrades the cereal detaching impurities and the outer cuticles. These will be released and sent to waste by exiting the rubbing chamber through the characteristic holes of which the outer mantle is equipped. 

To increase the abrasion effect inside the rubbing chamber, additional scraping surfaces are installed. 

During normal operation, it is possible to check for the quantity and quality of the waste, through a side door.

An ingenious air insufflation system is planned from inside the rotor to the product to prevent heating and to keep the machine clean. It is therefore necessary to have an aspiration at the exit of the waste to compensate for the injection of cooling air and to remove the dust and waste material that is created. 

The machine therefore consists of:

  • the external structure that supports all the other parts;
  • the rotor, cantilevered and directly linked to the gear motor shaft;
  • the product containment mantle complete with drilled sheets, abrasion surfaces and reinforcement structure;
  • the manual system of adjusting the resistance at the output of the product;
  • the air insufflation system with the fan placed on the machine.

Depending on the flow rate requirements, there are multiple models that differ in the size of the gear motor and the optional presence of the air insufflation system.

As with all G&AS construction machines, this one may include some customizations on the structure and dimensions of inlet and outlet.
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