Machinery and equipment for the food industry

Intensive grain dampener

The INTENSIVE GRAIN DAMPENER GCBI is used for wetting uniformly the cleaned cereals before the rest period, to reduce the time of water absorption.

The machine is designed to provide a homogeneous humidity inside the product, while its peculiar mechanism contributes to reduce the time of water penetration inside the seeds.

The machinery is composed by:

  • two closing heads with bearings on their outside;
  • an inclined box containing a rotor blade that, by rotating at low speed, does not cause breakage of caryopsis;
  • mixing shovels;
  • an electric engine that assure the movement of the rotor.

The nozzle in the cover wet the cereal, that is mixed by the whorl mounted on the top of the rotor. The shovels, fixed to the remaining length of the rotor, complete the mixing dragging up the product toward the outlet.
This upward motion causes a part of grains to fall back, toward the shovels, where it is remixed to the main product; then the further rubbing generated allows the product to absorb more water in shorter times.

Furthermore, we can supply a manual system of control and dosage of water, or an electronic system of measurement of flow and humidity that automatically determines the correct amount of water to add.

As for all our products, we can customize the machine following your needs, modifying size and technical features.
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