Machinery and equipment for the food industry

Flouring machine

The FLOURING MACHINE GPUL is an auxiliary machine used for the disintegration of the plates of floury products produced by the pressure of the cylinders of the rolling mills.

Its action is similar to that of the disruptor but much more intense. Therefore, it serves not only to crumble the plaques, pulverizing the flour without affecting the bran parts, but also to help the grinding itself and destroy as much as possible any insects, eggs or larvae that can infest the product. This increases significantly the performance of subsequent sieving machines and at the same time also ensures a sanitization action during the milling process.

The flouring machine consists of a flat cylindrical case, inside of which rotates a rotor, with vertical axis, directly linked to the engine. The rotor is equipped with radial metal elements.

The product that enters falls towards the centre of the rotor and by the centrifugal force given by the rotation is forced to slam between the metal elements against the cylindrical case. The impact of the product with the rotor and the case determines the treatment action described above. He is then sent and ejected tangentially to the exit of the machine.

The dynamic balancing of the rotating parts ensures the absence of vibration and silence of operation.

As with other G&AS construction machines, if required by feature and/or footprint requirements, the size and constructive characteristics may deviate from the standard ones indicated in the machine table. The input and output of the product can be customized as well as the type and position of the engine. If it has special seals on the shaft, the machine can also be inserted directly along a pneumatic transport and then crossed by the air/product flow.
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