Machinery and equipment for the food industry


The GVAR FEEDERS are designed and built for extracting and dosing those products that cannot easily flow, such as granular, powdery, humid or greasy materials.

They are usually deployed in correspondence of the outlets: their purpose is to extract humid and not-flowing products that come from filters or other machines, and to dose them constantly on pneumatic conveyors or other devices.

Through the vibrations made by a motovibrator, the semi-spherical upper part extracts the products that are stocked in the bucket above. They are then conveyed in the outlet pipeline. A manually adjustable shutter limits the flow, according to your needs.

Inlet and outlet points are provided of rubber sleeves to avoid transmitting the vibrations to the other parts of the machinery.

It is always possible to verify the flow of the product through a lid made of Plexiglas.

Different types of machine are available, depending from the capacity of the discharge and the size of the charging bucket.

The machine can be supplied as a single device or together with the charging bucket and the support structure. Sifting systems as grids or pierced sheet metal are also available, to separate impurities or larger elements from the main product. In this case the machine would be provided with two outlets for the product.

This G&AS feeder can be adjusted and customized in dimensions and technical features, as for all the G&AS machines.
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